Working Together for a Brighter Future for Children!

We would like to share with you the remarkable story of community engagement and support that took place in 2023. As Grywit Anna Jankowiak and ESG ASSURED, along with other partners, we worked to support Preschool No. 35 in Gdańsk, specializing in the education of visually impaired children.

Our efforts aimed to support these exceptional children, providing them with an equal start in life through special educational materials and programs enhancing their development. Additionally, we actively engaged in the life of the preschool, building relationships and collaborating with the staff to create even better learning and development conditions for the children.

We received a beautiful diploma, which serves not only as a memento of our actions but above all as evidence that our efforts have been noticed and appreciated. It is a tremendous honor for us, but most importantly, it’s a motivation to continue our mission of supporting those in need.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved for their contributions and the trust they have placed in us. It is thanks to you that we can continue our mission and create a better future for our children!

With warm regards,

Anna Jankowiak and ESG ASSURED 💖🌱

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