ESG Reporting

Wondering how to do ESG reporting correctly? 🤔 Would you like to improve your employees’ competence in this topic? Don’t wait to act – organize a dedicated “ESG Reporting” training for your company! 🌎🌿

International Yoga Day: Join Our Wellbeing Project! 🧘‍♀️

On June 21, we celebrate International Yoga Day, a holiday established by the United Nations that aims to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health through the practice of yoga. Yoga, an ancient practice that originated in India, has gained popularity around the world for its many health benefits.

World Wellness Day: Take Care of Yourself🧘‍♀️

June 13 is World Wellness Day 🧘‍♀️ – an unusual holiday that reminds us to take care of ourselves. It’s an ideal opportunity to pay attention to how we take care of our physical and mental well-being, but also whether we also build the right wellbeing habits in our work, e.g. work-life balance.

Project Work – Workshops on ESG and Climate Transformation

Our leader, Anna Jankowiak, recently had the pleasure of conducting practical workshops on project work for participants of the postgraduate studies “ESG and Climate Transformation” at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW).

World Environment Day

June 5th is an important date when we celebrate World Environment Day. It’s a perfect opportunity to appreciate and celebrate our planet and take actions to protect it 🌍💚🌿

Finalization of Three EFRAG ESRS IG Documents

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has announced the finalization of three key implementation documents for the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Certificate ISO 14001

We are proud to announce that Anna has earned the ISO 14001 certification, affirming her commitment to environmental management and sustainable development. 🌿 Her determination and professionalism inspire us and form a solid foundation for our actions.

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