
We have easy-to-use tools and formats to carry out:

Carbon footprint calculations

Dialogue with stakeholders

Significance testing

CBAM Report

For other activities such as the ESG Report or ESG strategy, formats are created during the work and provided in the summary.

In addition, we have mobile apps for decarbonization and education, using habit change mechanisms and gamification

mobile applications

Commitment to ESG education

Changing environmental habits




ESG ASSURED mobile apps

We offer tools to support ESG activities in organizations, including education and dialogue with stakeholders, researching materiality or promoting social action, and achieving decarbonization goals across the supply chain.


An app bringing together all those interested in ESG topics – entrepreneurs, ESG experts, HR, finance or training professionals.

You can join now by downloading the ESG ASSURED app from Google Play or the App Store, providing the code ESGpl when registering.


A dedicated application for companies, where employees and other stakeholders can gain ESG knowledge on an ongoing basis, verify it and support the decarbonization of the organization with real actions. In addition, we conduct stakeholder dialogues and materiality surveys in the tool.

Quarterly subscription.
Satisfaction guarantee – you can terminate the contract at any time.


ECO EDU – a dedicated application for your clients and/or other stakeholders (you decide who will have access). Users perform greenhouse gas reduction activities and their activity in this area can exchange for benefits from you, and you can report such offsets in your reports.

Satisfaction guarantee – you can terminate the contract at any time.

ECO Hero

ECO HERO – a free application that any person in the world interested in environmental issues can join. Performing activities in the field of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, he or she can exchange his or her activity in this field for benefits from Project Partners, and these Partners can report such offsets in their reports.

We invite you to join the ranks of Partners of this project – individual pricing.


ESG EVENT – an application for events, happenings, conferences, trainings that include ESG elements.

We can, for example, count the carbon footprint of an event and for some time afterwards, continue to provide participants with tasks on decarbonization in everyday life, even until they completely offset the carbon footprint of the entire event.

We can do custom branding of the application tailored to your needs.


WELLBEING – The Wellbeing Challenge program is aimed at companies that want to increase concern for both the physical and mental well-being of their employees. Our main goal is to direct participants toward building healthy habits.

We can do customized branding of the application tailored to your needs.
Satisfaction guarantee – you can terminate the contract at any time.

Are you interested in a meeting?

The results of our past projects using mobile applications:

98% of users confirm that their knowledge of ESG has significantly increased

93% have permanently changed their habits to more sustainable ones thanks to the application, which resulted in real savings in organizations and reduced their carbon footprint emissions

98% of users are satisfied with their participation in the project

98% of users considered the content of the application as valuable

Samples of user’s feedback:

“Lots of interesting information, that I had not seen before. For example, about noise pollution. The tasks mobilized me to change some habits.”

“I had a very good time, learning new things at the same time, thank you!”

“Application easy to use. The project of value substantive”

“The tasks were interesting, forcing us to rethink our habits.”

“The application transparent, colorful, cool activated the employees to care about ecology.”



The owner of the ESG brand in the company is Grywit Anna Jankowiak


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