Spring is upon us – that’s why we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming quarterly ecological project for organizations and companies from all over Poland, ESG ECO CHAMPION, which will start on April 22, 2024* – exactly on the international EARTH DAY 🌎

During our project, participants can continuously gain knowledge in the field of ESG, verify it, and support the decarbonization of organizations through real actions. In addition, quizzes and interesting facts about ESG await them.

If an ecological project is not enough, we invite you to participate in our second quarterly project in the wellbeing and work-life balance category – 🧘‍♀️ WELLBEING CHAMPION. We start on June 3, 2024*. The project focuses on physical and mental well-being – our main goal is to guide participants towards building healthy habits.

🌍 ESG ECO CHAMPION will start on April 22, 2024*

🧘‍♀️ WELLBEING CHAMPION will start on June 3, 2024*

Companies will receive Participation Certificates in the project, which can be used for reporting purposes. Project funding from the Company Social Benefits Fund is possible

*The projects will take place on the specified dates provided that at least 3 companies register for the given challenge

See our previous accomplishments of ecological and wellbeing projects

Do you want to know more about quarterly projects?

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