What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a practice in which companies or organizations mislead consumers by presenting their products or actions as more environmentally friendly or sustainable than they actually are. The term is a combination of “green” and “whitewashing.” It’s often used as a way to increase sales or improve the company’s image without actually implementing sustainable practices.

Futtera Sustainability Communication identifies several signs of greenwashing, including:

  • Hiding or presenting only partial information about the product’s life cycle.
  • Lack of description of specific environmental benefits.
  • Providing data that consumers cannot verify.
  • Using vague language and scientific jargon.
  • Using green colors and motifs associated with ecology.

Why is it worth taking training on Greenwashing?

Training will teach you how to recognize and avoid unethical marketing practices. Participants will learn effective methods to prevent greenwashing, which will help them better protect their organization’s interests and build a credible company image. The training is particularly useful for marketing professionals to ensure they use eco-friendly statements in accordance with the law.

Join our “ESG and greenwashing. How to avoid greenwashing?” training, where we will provide practical knowledge on recognizing and preventing greenwashing. Participants will learn how to effectively protect their organization’s interests and build a credible company image.

Do you want to know more about Greewashing?

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