April 12th, World Chocolate Day

April 12th is not only a day to celebrate our love for chocolate, but also a moment of reflection on the challenging reality of producing this delicious treat. While for many of us chocolate is a favorite dessert or snack, for millions of farmers in the Global South, it is a means of livelihood.

More than 80% of the global CO2 emissions generated by just 57 companies: We call for action!

The recent “Carbon Majors” report by InfluenceMap leaves no illusions: global carbon dioxide emissions between 2016 and 2022 were mainly the result of the activities of only 57 producers of fossil fuels and cement. It’s worth noting that these 57 companies represent only a small fraction of the total number of businesses worldwide, underscoring the importance of their actions in shaping the future of our planet.

Forester and Arborist Day

Today we pay tribute to those who care for our forests and trees every day – Foresters and Arborists! Their work is invaluable for maintaining balance in nature and providing us with an environment in which we can enjoy the beauty of nature.

The ESG or WELLBEING project for employees

Spring is upon us – that’s why we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming quarterly ecological project for organizations and companies from all over Poland, ESG ECO CHAMPION, which will start on April 22, 2024* – exactly on the international EARTH DAY 🌎

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