Cooperation proposal


The primary goal of our ESG support in the organization is to implement effective and comprehensive solutions that respond to various challenges in the ESG area, which can be implemented in a reasonable time and with a rational budget.

Cooperation proposal

We can carry out the proposed scope in its entirety, one task at a time (or by accrediting a particular activity if it was previously carried out by another company), or only selected points that you need at a time.

For the preparation of the report, the following is required: stakeholder dialogue, materiality study and carbon footprint calculation.

A gap analysis is required to prepare the strategy.

If these intermediate activities were performed by another company, we conduct a free mini audit of the quality of these preceding activities before deciding to work with you on a report or strategy.

Attestation of ESG activities performed by other companies is priced individually depending on the scope of activities.
It is performed by certified auditors.

In the case of stationary activities in the location indicated by you, the cost of the delegation (travel and accommodation) is added.

Training ESG

Dedicated training courses for you online or onsite, in Polish or English.

Sample topics:

  • ESG reporting
  • ESG strategy
  • Decarbonization and offsetting
  • CSRD and ESRS standards
  • Materiality testing and stakeholder dialogue
  • Organization and product carbon footprint
  • CBAM (so-called Border Carbon Tax)
  • Closed Circuit Economy
  • Taxonomy
  • Greenwashing
  • ESG trainings dedicated under specific departments in the company ( e.g., Purchasing, Sales, Marketing, HR, IT) that guarantee practical implementation of ESG principles in the activities of individual departments and processes occurring in them

What you receive in the price:

  • Preparation of personalized training for your organization
  • Conducting a training (8 didactic hours) – a group of up to 12 people, above that an extra charge of person or individual pricing
  • Training materials in the form of pdf
  • Personal certificates for participants in the form of pdf

If you want to know detailed programs and dates or book a closed-door training then please contact us:

Workshop for executives and ESG officers

  • Workshop to raise awareness of what lies ahead for the organization in relation to ESG
  • Familiarization with key aspects of ESG
  • Determining the group of stakeholders relevant to the organization’s point of view
  • Analysis of selected competition – presentation of information on sample organizations from your industry (or similar) regarding their ESG activities
  • Determination of a preliminary action plan for ESG in the organization

What you receive in the price:

  • Preparation of a personalized workshop, including competitive analysis
  • Conducting the workshop (4-6 hours, depending on management availability)
  • Material from the workshop
  • List of stakeholders relevant to the organization
  • Preliminary action plan for ESG in the organization

Dialogue with stakeholders

compliant with the international standard on stakeholder engagement
AA1000SES stakeholders

  • Initial workshop on stakeholder dialogue
  • Analysis of the stakeholder group and selection of relevant stakeholders from the organization’s point of view for further work
  • Designing an online survey for the company’s stakeholders
  • Conducting an online survey of the company’s stakeholders
  • If necessary, conduct additional interviews with representatives of selected stakeholder groups
  • Analyze the results of the stakeholder survey and prepare a summary in the form of a report
  • Preparation and support in conducting feedback communication to stakeholders after the survey

What you receive in the price:

  • Preparation of a personalized preliminary workshop
  • Material from the workshop
  • Online form for conducting the survey
  • Report on the analysis of stakeholders relevant to the organization
  • Report on the analysis of the stakeholder survey
  • Report on interviews with representatives of selected stakeholder groups (if any)
  • Feedback communication to stakeholders after the surveys were conducted

Materiality test

compliant with the CSRD and ESRS standards

  • Introductory workshop on materiality testing, in accordance with CSRD guidelines and ESRS standards
  • Collection of necessary information about the company for materiality testing
  • Preliminary assessment of material issues in terms of impact materiality
  • Preliminary assessment of material issues in terms of financial materiality
  • Selection of stakeholders to conduct materiality testing
  • Final assessment of material issues in terms of impact materiality
  • Final assessment of material issues in terms of financial materiality
  • Dual materiality matrix
  • Report on the materiality study conducted

What you receive in the price:

  • Material from the workshop
  • Preliminary and final assessment of material issues in terms of impact materiality and financial materiality
  • Double materiality matrix
  • Report on the materiality study conducted

Gap analysis

compliant with the CSRD directive and with ESRS standards (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)

  • Introductory workshop on CSRD guidelines and ESRS standards
  • Review of your organization’s existing internal policies for potential gaps in reporting in accordance with ESRS for areas identified as material issues in the materiality study (if such gaps are found, improvement or creation of missing documents is subject to additional pricing)
  • If necessary, conduct individual interviews with selected groups of organization representatives
  • Summary of the gap analysis review in the form of a report

What you receive in the price:

  • Material from the workshop
  • Gap analysis review report

The organization's carbon footprint

GHG Protocol compliant

  • Introductory workshop on carbon footprint calculation
  • Calculation of the organization’s carbon footprint for Scope 1, 2 and 3, including:
  1. Definition of operational boundaries
  2. Preparation of the data collection process
  3. Support for data collection
  4. Analysis of the collected data
  5. Calculation of carbon footprint
  6. Report on the carbon footprint of the organization

What you receive in the price:

  • Material from the workshop
  • A carbon footprint calculation
  • A report on the organization’s carbon footprint

Carbon footprint of products – for individual pricing


compliant with the EU taxonomy regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/852

Evaluating each of the business activities carried out by the Company as to their compliance with the taxonomy for purposes of additional disclosures in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, including:

  • Conducting a review of each of the business activities conducted by the Company (according to the list of business activities provided by the Company) to determine which activities qualify for the taxonomy (are taxonomy-eligible)
  • Conducting an analysis of the taxonomy-eligible activities as to their compliance with the taxonomy (taxonomyalignment)
  • Preparation of information for the disclosure required under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation and Article 10(4) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178

What you receive in the price:

  • List of taxonomy-eligible activities (taxonomy-eligible)
  • List of taxonomy-eligible activities as to their compliance with the taxonomy (taxonomy-alignment)
  • Information for disclosure purposes

Sustainable development strategy

CSRD compliant

  • Introductory workshop on sustainable development strategy
  • Development of an individual sustainability strategy
  • Preparation of a communication plan (internal and external) for the sustainability strategy
  • Summary from the development of the strategy in the form of a document

What you receive in the price:

  • Material from the workshop
  • Internal and external communication plan
  • Strategy document

ESG Report

complies with the CSRD and ESRS standards

  • Introductory workshop on ESG reporting
  • Development of the data collection process
  • Support in data collection
  • Development of an initial ESG report in accordance with standards and regulatory requirements for specific types of
  • organizations
  • Present ESG report to management and collect feedback
  • Development of the final version of the ESG report taking into account comments from management
  • Preparation of a communication plan (internal and external) regarding the ESG report

What you receive in the price:

  • Material from the workshop
  • ESG report document
  • Internal and external communication plan regarding the report

For companies that need to create CBAM reports – support in this area is possible, including the selection of the tool


compliant with the formal and legal requirements for the area in question

ESG attestation is a comprehensive process for assessing, reporting and improving corporate performance in environmental, social and governance areas to promote sustainability and create value for all stakeholders.

Examples of areas of attestation we can perform in the field of ESG:

Environmental assessment
  • Study of the environmental impact of the company’s operations.
  • Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, consumption of natural resources, waste production, etc.
  • Assessment of compliance with environmental regulations.
Social assessment
  • Analysis of stakeholder relations, including employees, customers, community.
  • Evaluation of employment policies, occupational safety and health practices, community involvement.
  • Evaluating the impact of the company’s activities on the local and general community.
Governance assessment
  • Evaluation of the company’s management and control structure.
  • Analysis of board structure, decision-making procedures, transparency in financial reporting.
  • Assessment of compliance with codes of ethics, corporate standards and laws.
Measurements and metrics
  • Identify ESG key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress toward sustainability goals.
  • Collect numerical and qualitative data on environmental, social and management aspects.
Reporting and certification
  • Preparation of ESG reports that summarize the results of the assessments and corrective action plans.
  • The possibility of obtaining ESG certification, which confirms the company’s compliance with certain sustainability standards.
Recommendations and remediation
  • Suggestions for corrective and improvement actions to improve ESG performance.
  • Support in developing and implementing improvement strategies that benefit the environment, the community and the company itself.
Monitoring and audit
  • Continuously track progress and update ESG assessments.
  • Conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure compliance with established standards and regulations.

Attestation of ESG activities performed by other companies is priced individually depending on the scope of activities. Attestations are performed by certified auditors.

Want to know the details?

ESG challenges and proposed solutions

For details, click on the “CHALLENGE” or “SOLUTION” button.

Data collection and reporting


Collecting accurate and comprehensive ESG data can be difficult, especially in complex supply chains.


Implementation of data collection tools without large expenditures and optimization of reporting processes.

Full compliance with legal regulations


Compliance with rapidly changing ESG regulations and reporting standards can be complex.


A permanent subscription to support from a consultant who keeps up to date with changes in regulations and cooperates with other industry experts.

Real integration with business strategy


Integrating ESG requirements into business strategy can be difficult, especially when there is resistance among management.


Shaping a culture of sustainable development, introductory workshops with the Management Board and education of management staff in order to correlate business goals and ESG goals.

Stakeholder involvementy


Effectively engaging diverse stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees and communities, requires strategic communication and transparency.


Development of a communication strategy and effective operational activities in this area, active solicitation of opinions, and involvement of stakeholders in decision-making processes.

The Risk of Greenwashing


If errors are made in reporting, resulting not from bad will, but from the lack of sufficient competences of a person dealing with ESG, there is a risk of being suspected of “greenwashing”, i.e. intentional falsification of ESG results for marketing purposes.


Providing a competent team of consultants to ensure transparency in reporting, the use of certificates, and accountability for the implementation of specific ESG activities in relation to those declared.

Talent Management


Attracting and retaining talent for whom ESG principles are important can be difficult if the organization is not perceived as socially and environmentally responsible.


Promoting commitment to sustainable employer image practices, implementing sustainable practices in HR, and offering ESG training and educational tools for employees, customers and suppliers.

Complexity of the Supply Chain


Reporting and subsequent decarbonization in supply chains, especially in industries with extensive networks, can be difficult.


Support in cooperation with suppliers, setting clear expectations and implementing ESG criteria in purchasing processes.

Perception of Financial Performance


The high costs of implementing ESG activities may negatively impact short-term financial performance


Proposing rational valuations and efficient operations, minimizing the time commitment of ESG teams to tasks that bring added value to the team, while minimizing the burden of other tasks that we take on. Reducing the risk of “burning through” the ESG budget, and presenting solutions that increase the efficiency of the organization and its employees.

Technology and Innovation


Implementing sustainable practices may require large investments in new technologies and innovations, which can be financial and operational challenges.


Developing a tool implementation plan at a reasonable price, piloting the tools to check how they work in your organization.

Requirements for ESG managers


The complexity of ESG topics is so great that it is basically impossible for one person to be able to deal with all ESG topics, as it requires a lot of time and continuous monitoring of changes and good practices. On the other hand, when using different external consultants for different topics, a lot of time is spent on coordination.


Support from consultants by educating organizations to deal with the topic on their own, and comprehensive support for all ESG topics by one team of consultants means there is no blurred responsibility.

Want to know the details?



The owner of the ESG brand in the company is Grywit Anna Jankowiak


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